Developer Test Environment

This assumes you have already succeeded in getting your development environment up and running, and that you’ve successfully got your basic server running and you’ve made some changes and you want to test them to work out what’s going right… or wrong.

Installing Cassandane

Cassandane is a Perl-based integration test suite for Cyrus.

Why “Cassandane”? Wikipedia indicates that Cassandane was the name of the consort of King Cyrus the Great of Persia, founder of the Achaemenid Persian Empire. So that’s kinda cool.

Install and configure Cassandane

  1. Clone the Cassandane repository (you can get the URL from the Diffusion app within Phabricator)

    • If you are a member of IMAP Committers, use: git clone ssh://

    • If you aren’t (yet), use git clone

  1. Install dependencies

sudo apt-get install libtest-unit-perl libconfig-inifiles-perl \
    libdatetime-perl libbsd-resource-perl libxml-generator-perl \
    libencode-imaputf7-perl libio-stringy-perl libnews-nntpclient-perl \
    libfile-chdir-perl libnet-server-perl libunix-syslog-perl \
    libdata-uuid-perl libjson-xs-perl libdata-ical-perl libjson-perl \
    libdatetime-format-ical-perl libtext-levenshteinxs-perl \
    libmime-types-perl libdatetime-format-iso8601-perl libcal-dav-perl \

There are a number of Perl modules required that aren’t already packages in the standard repository. A few aren’t in CPAN yet and should be installed from github.

git clone
cd Net-DAVTalk
perl Makefile.PL
sudo make install
cd ..

git clone
cd Net-CardDAVTalk
perl Makefile.PL
sudo make install
cd ..

git clone
cd Net-CalDAVTalk
perl Makefile.PL
sudo make install
cd ..

git clone
cd Mail-JMAPTalk
perl Makefile.PL
sudo make install
cd ..

The quickest option for the rest is installing via CPAN, but you could build packages using dh-make-perl if that is preferred.

sudo cpan -i Tie::DataUUID
sudo cpan -i XML::Spice
sudo cpan -i XML::Fast
sudo cpan -i Data::ICal::TimeZone
sudo cpan -i Text::VCardFast
sudo cpan -i Mail::IMAPTalk
sudo cpan -i List::Pairwise
sudo cpan -i Convert::Base64
  1. Install Cassandane

cd /path/to/cassandane
  1. Copy cassandane.ini.example to cassandane.ini

  2. Edit cassandane.ini to set up your cassandane environment.

    • Assuming you configure cyrus with --prefix=/usr/cyrus (as above), then the defaults are mostly fine

    • Set destdir to /var/tmp/cyrus

    • Add [valgrind] if you’re using it.

    • Add an [imaptest] section
      • For the moment, it may be necessary to suppress the binary tests as they are buggy upstream still.

suppress=append-binary urlauth-binary fetch-binary-mime fetch-binary-mime-qp
  1. Create a cyrus user and matching group and also add cyrus to group mail

sudo adduser --system --group cyrus
sudo adduser cyrus mail
  1. Give your user account access to sudo as cyrus

    • sudo visudo

    • add a line like:username ALL = (cyrus) NOPASSWD: ALL, where “username” is your own username

  2. Make the destdir directory, as the cyrus user

    • sudo -u cyrus mkdir /var/tmp/cass

Install IMAPTest

IMAPTest is a testing suite which uses libraries from the Dovecot installation.

  1. Fetch and compile Dovecot.

  2. Fetch and compile IMAPTest

Rebuild Cyrus for Testing

Prepare to rebuild by making the source tree shiny and clean as if you’ve done a brand new checkout. Leave no old artifacts lying around!

cd /path/to/cyrus-imapd
make clean
git clean -f -x -d
autoreconf -v -i


Apply caution! The git clean removes anything that’s a build product, but also anything it doesn’t know about: which may include your new source files you haven’t added yet.

Set the compile flags for testing and debugging. It may be of use to also add --std=gnu99 here. That does TONS of warnings, and -g enables debug mode.

CFLAGS="-g -fPIC -W -Wall -Wextra -Werror"

Configure the environment.

./configure --prefix=/usr/cyrus --with-cyrus-prefix=/usr/cyrus \
--enable-autocreate --enable-http --enable-unit-tests \
--enable-replication --enable-nntp --enable-murder \
--enable-idled --enable-xapian --enable-calalarmd \

make lex-fix   # you need this if compile fails with errors from sieve/sieve.c

And finally, make it.

If you’re testing across versions, the binsymlinks is necessary as older Cyrus doesn’t have the binaries in the new locations. This uses the default install path of /usr/cyrus/. It can be useful to also have /usr/cyrus25, /usr/cyrus24, etc, if you’re testing with older versions as well.

make -j16 && make -j16 check
sudo make install
sudo make install-binsymlinks
sudo cp tools/mkimap /usr/cyrus/bin/mkimap'

Running the tests

As user cyrus, run the tests.

cd /path/to/cassandane
sudo -u cyrus ./ -f pretty -j 8

Tips and Tricks

Read the script to see other options. If you’re having problems, add more -v options to the testrunner to get more info out.

Looking for memory leaks? Run with –valgrind to use valgrind (if it’s installed). It is slower, which is why it doesn’t need to be always used.

Running with -v -v is very noisy, but gives a lot more data. For example: all IMAP telemetry.

Also helpful to run sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog, and examine /var/tmp/cass as root to examine log files and disk structures for failed tests.