
Cyrus IMAP supports monitoring using Prometheus.

To use this functionality, Cyrus IMAP must have been built with the --enable-http configure option enabled.


Configuration options

prometheus_enabled: 0

Whether tracking of service metrics for Prometheus is enabled.

prometheus_need_auth: admin

Authentication level required to fetch Prometheus metrics.

Allowed values: none, user, admin

prometheus_update_freq: 10s

Frequency in at which promstatsd should re-collate its statistics report. The minimum value is 1 second.

For backward compatibility, if no unit is specified, seconds is assumed.

prometheus_stats_dir: <none>

Directory to use for gathering prometheus statistics. If specified, must be an absolute path. If not specified, the default path $configdirectory/stats/ will be used. It may be advantageous to locate this directory on ephemeral storage.

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