- What is Cyrus IMAP?
- Features
- Download
- Get Cyrus
- Release Notes
- Notes for Packagers
- Quickstart Guide
- Overview
- Features
- Security and Authentication
- Mailbox Management
- Message Management
- Calendar and Contact (DAV) Collection Management
- Storage
- Load Management
- Concepts
- Access Control Lists
- Login Authentication
- Quotas
- New Mail Notification
- Partitions
- News
- POP3 Server
- The syslog facility
- Mail Directory Recovery
- Configuration Directory
- Message Delivery
- Sieve, a Mail Filtering Language
- Cyrus Murder, the IMAP Aggregator
- Features
- Setup
- Compiling
- Installing Cyrus
- Upgrading to 3.10
- 1. Preparation
- 2. Install new 3.10 Cyrus
- 3. Shut down existing Cyrus
- 4. Backup and Copy existing data
- 5. Copy config files and update
- 6. Upgrade specific items
- 7. Start new 3.10 Cyrus and verify
- 8. Reconstruct databases and cache
- 9. Do you want any new features?
- 10. Upgrade complete
- Special note for Murder configurations
- Configuration Guide
- Deployment Scenarios
- Cyrus Murder: Server aggregation
- Cyrus Replication
- Hosted Environments
- Databases
- Overview
- File list
- Mailbox List (mailboxes.db)
- Annotations (annotations.db)
- Quotas (quotas.db)
- Duplicate Delivery (deliver.db)
- TLS cache (tls_sessions.db)
- PTS cache (ptscache.db)
- STATUS cache (statuscache.db)
- User Access (user_deny.db)
- Conversations (<userid>.conversations)
- Counters (<userid>.counters)
- News database (fetchnews.db)
- Search Indexes (cyrus.squat, <userid>.xapianactive, cyrus.indexed.db)
- Zoneinfo db (zoneinfo.db)
- Seen State (<userid>.seen)
- Subscriptions (<userid>.sub)
- Search Index DB List (<userid>.xapianactive)
- Mailbox Keys (<userid>.mboxkey)
- DAV Index (<userid>.dav)
- Storage types
- Mailbox Creation Distribution
- Known Protocol Limitations
- Authentication and Authorization
- Performance Recommendations
- Storage Considerations
- Supported Platforms and System Requirements
- Operations
- Man pages
- (5) Configuration Files
- (8) System Commands
- arbitron
- chk_cyrus
- ctl_conversationsdb
- ctl_cyrusdb
- ctl_deliver
- ctl_mboxlist
- ctl_zoneinfo
- cvt_cyrusdb
- cvt_xlist_specialuse
- cyr_buildinfo
- cyr_dbtool
- cyr_deny
- cyr_df
- cyr_expire
- cyr_info
- cyr_ls
- cyr_synclog
- cyr_userseen
- cyr_virusscan
- cyr_withlock_run
- cyradm
- cyrdump
- deliver
- fetchnews
- fud
- httpd
- idled
- imapd
- ipurge
- lmtpd
- lmtpproxyd
- masssievec
- master
- mbexamine
- mbpath
- mbtool
- mkimap
- mknewsgroups
- mupdate
- nntpd
- notifyd
- pop3d
- pop3proxyd
- promstatsd
- proxyd
- ptdump
- ptexpire
- ptloader
- quota
- reconstruct
- rehash
- relocate_by_id
- sievec
- sieved
- smmapd
- squatter
- sync_client
- sync_reset
- sync_server
- timsieved
- tls_prune
- translatesieve
- unexpunge
- (1) User Commands
- Administrator Guide
- Architecture
- Management
- File & Directory Locations
- Ports and Sockets
- Access Control
- Quotas
- Cyrus Sieve
- Cyrus NNTP
- Cyrus Prot Layer
- Standard Operating Procedures
- Replication: Installation and Administration
- Mailbox Operations
- Reloading Cyrus IMAP Services
- Alternative Namespace
- Deleting and Undeleting Messages and Folders
- Running Cyrus IMAP Services on Non-Standard Ports
- Reconstructing Mailboxes
- Using Squatter for Faster IMAP SEARCH
- Splitting Metadata from Partitions
- Managing user_deny.db
- Cyrus Event Source
- Monitoring
- Mailbox Distribution
- Cyrus Murder
- Tweaking Cyrus IMAP
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Features
- Installation Problems
- Common Feature Requests
- Common Operational Questions
- How do I view ACLs on a mailbox?
- What annotations are available?
- Is it safe to put <configdirectory>/proc and <configdirectory>/lock on a tmpfs filesystem?
- How to enable core dumps
- Why can I not delete a mailbox as an admin user?
- When is What ... Deleted, Expired, Expunged or Purged?
- Why is deliver.db so large?
- I have multiple imapd-SERVICES configured and experience occasional freezes when I try to log in!
- How to run gdb on Cyrus components
- Cyrus delivers claims that the mailbox does not exist
- Why is mail being rejected with No Mailbox found due to MiXed CaSe incoming e-mail?
- Can I use MySQL (or another SQL database) as the primary mail store?
- Why do POP3 connections take so long, but once the connection is established all is well?
- Why does reconstruct -m not work?
- Shared File Systems GPFS for high availability
- How to enable telemetry
- The process count keeps growing!
- "unable to join environment" error
- Why does Cyrus set the MAIL FROM address of the sender of vacation responses to '<>'?
- Common Interoperability Problems
- Man pages
- Developers
- We need your help
- Contribute docs
- Contribute code and tests
- Getting Started
- System files and Databases
- Resources
- Releasing
- Cyrus.Works
- Cyrus Internals
- Cyrus APIs
- Thoughts & Notes
- Cyrus IMAP Server: Sieve Bytecode
- Cyrus CalDAV Scheduling Flowchart
- caldav_put() - create/modify via HTTP PUT on a resource or POST (add-member) on a calendar
- caldav_delete_sched() - remove via HTTP DELETE on a resource
- caldav_post() - busytime query via HTTP POST on Scheduling Outbox
- sched_pollstatus - perform a voter response update
- sched_request() - perform an organizer request / attendee status update
- process_attendees() - create a suitable iTIP request message for each attendee
- sched_exclude() - exclude an attendee from a recurrence instance
- sched_cancel() - cancel an organizer event/task
- sched_reply() - perform an attendee reply
- trim_attendees() - remove all attendees other than the one replying
- sched_vpoll_reply() - add voter responses to VPOLL reply
- sched_decline() - decline a recurrence instance for an attendee
- clean_component() - sanitize a component for use in an iTIP message
- sched_deliver() - deliver an iTIP message to a recipient
- sched_deliver_local() - deliver an iTIP message to a local user
- deliver_merge_reply() - update an organizer resource with an attendee reply
- deliver_merge_vpoll_reply() - update an organizer resource with voter responses
- deliver_merge_request() - create/update an attendee resource with an organizer request
- deliver_merge_pollstatus() - update voter responses on a voter resource
- sched_deliver_remote() - deliver an iTIP message to a remote user
- isched_send() - deliver an iTIP message to a remote user via iSchedule (HTTP)
- imip_send() - deliver an iTIP message to a remote user via iMIP (SMTP)
- sched_busytime_query() - perform a busytime query
- busytime_query_local() - perform a busytime query on a local user
- busytime_query_remote() - perform a busytime query on a remote user
- Cyrus IMAP Server: Notes
- Cyrus IMAP Server: Prot Events
- Guidance for Developers
- Cyrus IMAP Server: Hacking
- Cyrus IMAP Server: Internationalization
- Cyrus IMAP Server: Locking
- Cyrus IMAP Server: Mailbox File Formats
- Cyrus IMAP Server: Namelocks
- Cyrus IMAP Server: prot layer
- Cyrus IMAP Server: Replication Examples
- Cyrus IMAP Server: Replication Protocol v2.4+
- Cyrus IMAP Server: Special Characters
- Cyrus IMAP Server: var directory structure
- Unit Tests
- Unit Tests
- Table of Contents
- 1. Introduction
- 2. What Is A Unit Test?
- 3. Running The Tests
- 3.1. Setting Up The Machine
- 3.2 Configure Script
- 3.3 Make
- 3.4 Using Valgrind
- 3.5 The Tests Are Failing
- 4. Adding Your Own Tests
- 4.1 Where To Put Your Tests
- 4.2 Adding A New Suite
- 4.3 Adding A Test To A Suite
- 4.4 Suite Setup And Teardown
- Unit Tests
- Support/Community
- Download
- Features
- What is Cyrus SASL?